Indeed, classification statistics produced in this pediatric sample compare favorably with those produced in many real-world adult patients. Although only moderately sensitive, Digit Span scores are likely to have good utility in identifying noncredible performance in relatively high-functioning older children and adolescents. For Reliable Digit Span, the optimal cut-score was ≤6, with sensitivity of 51% and specificity of 92%. For age-corrected scaled scores, a score of ≤5 resulted in the optimal cut-score, yielding sensitivity of 51% and specificity of 96%. Fourteen percent of the participants failed both the Medical Symptom Validity Test and Test of Memory Malingering, which was used as the criterion for noncredible effort. The sample consisted of 274 clinically referred mild traumatic brain injury patients aged 8 through 16 years. The present study examined the classification value of several scores derived from the WISC-IV Digit Span subtest. Although several recent studies have demonstrated the appropriateness of using stand-alone symptom validity tests with younger populations, a near absence of pediatric work has investigated embedded validity indicators. However, the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-IV (Wechsler, 2008) altered Digit Span in meaningful ways, necessitating another look at Digit Span as an embedded measure of malingering. Far less work has focused on methods appropriate for children. Prior research shows that Digit Span is a useful embedded measure of malingering. Results The RDS cut-off score was shown at 7 pts for military service group, at 3 pts for TBI group, at 6 pts for psychosis group, and at 6 pts for neurosis group. This study considered a score of 10 base rate as RDS cut-off score. Measures of emotional empathy and adaptive functioning suggested significant changes attributable to disruption of prefrontal aspects of the limbic system.In adult populations, research on methodologies to identify negative response bias has grown exponentially in the last two decades. A Digit Span subtest (called as Reliable Digit Span, RDS) of WAIS was used to detect malingering. The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 highlighted a pattern of severe psychological disturbance in HB which improved in response to antidepressant medication. Performance by a mixed sample of 226 patients referred for neuropsychological examination on the Digit Span and Letter-Number Sequencing subtests from the WAIS-IV and on Spatial Span from the Wechsler Memory Scale-Third Edition was analyzed in two confirmatory factor analyses to investigate whether a unitary WM model or divisions based on modali. Results from a range of neuropsychological tests indicated residual weakness in memory and variable impairments on two experimental tests of prefrontal working memory: Delayed Alternation and Object Alternation. Structural imaging showed a very large lesion involving the orbitofrontal and dorsolateral regions of NL's left frontal lobe, while HB had a smaller lesion involving cortical and subcortical matter in the dorsolateral region of the left frontal lobe. Span forward and backward subtest to obtain a copy of. Referral was prompted by significant mood and relationship disturbances, and ongoing mnemonic and cognitive symptoms. the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-4th Edition (WISC-IV). HB and NL, two men who sustained severe TBI, presented for neuropsychological consultation for the first time more than 20 years post-injury.

Researchers have emphasized a need for ongoing rehabilitation and support for individuals with traumatic brain injury FBI), yet there are few detailed descriptions of long-term outcome, and many people with long-standing TBI do not or cannot access support services.